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$ Customizable Weapons 1.5.12

Добавили новые платежные методы ЮМани (РУ Карты) | Cryptomus (Крита)
The plugin offers a wide range of weapon customization options, allowing you to adjust parameters such as damage, durability and magazine capacity depending on the module or resolution you are carrying. With the ability to create custom items and define unique damage types, the plugin easily works in all areas with weapons, including turrets, npc and bosses.

What I can do with this plugin?

  • The plugin allows you to create weapons that are effective against certain types of players.
  • You can also create NPCs or bosses with weapons that deal significant damage to regular players, while applying special armor from another plugin (CustomizableProtection) to reduce the impact of this type of damage. To improve gameplay, you can use crafting to add armor.
  • In addition, thanks to the plugin, you can create a weapon improvement system from +1 to +20 levels, offering the ability to gradually increase strength with each level.
Ultimately, the customization possibilities are endless and limited only by your imagination.

  • Customizability
  • Item setup files are all separately in their own file and folder, making it easy to customize items
  • Support for NPCs, turrets, etc.
  • Ability to create your own items
  • Nice UI, allowing players to see items as best as possible
  • Permissions: customizableweapons.give - Permission to issue weapons
    customizableweapons.***** any permissions you configure, the default with the examples goes vip1, vip2
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