"_Event - AutoSpawn - Maximum Respawn Time for event (Every 1000 is approx 1 min) : ": 30000,
"_Event - AutoSpawn - Minimum Respawn Time for event (Every 1000 is approx 1 min) : ": 10000,
"_Event - AutoSpawn - Spawn Event at random Intervals between Min and Max Respawn time ? ": false,
"_Event - Broadcast Event ending to all players ? ": true,
"_Event - Broadcast Event spawn to all players ? ": true,
"_Event - Broadcast Event stages to all players ? ": true,
"_Event - Damage - Stage 3 Barrel Explosion Damage : ": 50.0,
"_Event - Duration - Rig Spawn to Stage 1 Wait Time : ": 6000,
"_Event - Duration - Stage 1 to Stage 2 Wait Time (MAX is 4500) : ": 4000,
"_Event - Duration - Stage 2 Duration to Stage 3 Wait Time : ": 1000,
"_Event - Duration - Stage 3 Time between Barrel Explosions : ": 100,
"_Event - Duration - Stage 4 Countdown Time (Every 1000 is approx 1 min) : ": 2000,
"_Event - Hack Crate will always have a full Diving Kit (wetsuit, tank, fins and mask) ? ": true,
"_Event - Hack time for Hack crate during event : ": 200.0,
"_Event - Minimum Player Count needed to AutoSpawn Event Rig ? ": 5,
"_Event - Reset global Hack Crate time back to (900 is default) after event : ": 900.0,
"_Event - Spawn Barrels (and explosions) for Event Rigs ? ": true,
"_Event - Spawn Bucket Lift for Event Rigs ? ": true,
"_Event - Spawn Hack Crate for Stage 2 ? ": true,
"_Event - Spawn Ladders for Event Rigs ? ": true,
"_Event - Spawn Loots crates for Event Rigs ? ": true,
"Allow Damage to Deepwater Rig ? ": false,
"Automatically have lift bucket go up and down periodically ? ": true,
"Compound - Spawn the Sentry Guns if rig is a compound ? ": false,
"Despawn - Enable despawn timer on Manually placed Deepwater Rigs ? ": false,
"Despawn - Enable despawn timer on Randomly Spawned Deepwater Rigs ? ": true,
"Despawn - Time before Deepwater Rig will despawn itself : ": 60000.0,
"Destroy all Manually Spawned Deepwater Rigs when plugin reloads or server restarts ? ": false,
"Destroy all Random Spawned Deepwater Rigs when plugin reloads or server restarts ? ": false,
"Loot Spawn - amount of time to respawn loot spawns on rig : ": 1000.0,
"Loot Spawn - maximum number of loot crates spawn locations (max 8) : ": 2,
"Loot Spawn - Random Loot prefab 1 : ": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_basic.prefab",
"Loot Spawn - Random Loot prefab 2 : ": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab",
"Loot Spawn - Random Loot prefab 3 : ": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_mine.prefab",
"Loot Spawn - Random Loot prefab 4 : ": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab",
"Loot Spawn - Random Loot prefab 5 : ": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab",
"Resource Deposit - Enable Crude Oil as a resource : ": true,
"Resource Deposit - Enable High Quality Metal Ore as a resource : ": true,
"Resource Deposit - Enable Metal Ore as a resource : ": true,
"Resource Deposit - Enable Sulfur Ore as a resource : ": true,
"Resource Deposit - Tick Rate - Get 1 Crude Oil every : (if enabled) : ": 1,
"Resource Deposit - Tick Rate - Get 1 HQ Metal every (if enabled) : ": 1,
"Resource Deposit - Tick Rate - Get 1 Metal Ore every (if enabled) : ": 1,
"Resource Deposit - Tick Rate - Get 1 Sulfur Ore every (if enabled) : ": 1,
"Spawn - Broadcast to chat when Deepwater spawns and its coords ? ": true,
"Spawn - Height of rig off water. 13 to 19 works best : ": 16.0,
"Spawn - Helipad H logo Half 1 (H) rug skind ID ? ": 1371746398,
"Spawn - Helipad H logo Half 2 (H) rug skind ID ? ": 1371746398,
"Spawn - Spawn Barrels for Standard Rigs (non Event) ? ": true,
"Spawn - Spawn Bucket Lift for Standard Rigs (non Event) ? ": true,
"Spawn - Spawn Ladders for Standard Rigs (non Event) ? ": true,
"Spawn - Spawn Loots Crates for Standard Rigs (non Event) ? ": true,
"Spawn - Starting Low Grade Fuel amount for engine when Deepwater spawns : ": 100,
"ZoneManager - Automatic Zone - Autmatically spawn a zone when Compound Rig Spawns ? ": false,
"ZoneManager - Automatic Zone - Autmatically spawn a zone when Event Rig Spawns ? ": true,
"ZoneManager - Automatic Zone - Autmatically spawn a zone when Local Rig Spawns ? ": false,
"ZoneManager - Automatic Zone - Autmatically spawn a zone when Random Rig Spawns ? ": false,
"ZoneManager - Automatic Zone Options - Compound Zone Creation Arguments (except zone id, no space after commas) ": "radius,50,enter_message,You have entered a Compound Rig Area",
"ZoneManager - Automatic Zone Options - Event Rig Zone Creation Arguments (except zone id, no space after commas) ": "radius,50,enter_message,You have entered a Event Rig Area",
"ZoneManager - Automatic Zone Options - Local Zone Creation Arguments (except zone id, no space after commas) ": "radius,50,enter_message,You have entered a Rig Area",
"ZoneManager - Automatic Zone Options - Random Zone Creation Arguments (except zone id, no space after commas) ": "radius,50,enter_message,You have entered a Random Rig Area",
"ZoneManager - Enable Predefined Zone ID - Turn this on for Compound Rigs (otherwise, it autogenerates one from entity ID) ? ": false,
"ZoneManager - Enable Predefined Zone ID - Turn this on for Event Rigs (otherwise, it autogenerates one from entity ID) ? ": false,
"ZoneManager - Enable Predefined Zone ID - Turn this on for Local Rigs (otherwise, it autogenerates one from entity ID) ? ": false,
"ZoneManager - Enable Predefined Zone ID - Turn this on for Random Rigs (otherwise, it autogenerates one from entity ID) ? ": false,
"ZoneManager - Zone ID - Use This Predefined Compound Rig Zone ID (if enabled) ": "555555",
"ZoneManager - Zone ID - Use This Predefined Event Rig Zone ID (if enabled) ": "999999",
"ZoneManager - Zone ID - Use This Predefined Local Rig Zone ID (if enabled) ": "223344",
"ZoneManager - Zone ID - Use This Predefined Random Rig Zone ID (if enabled) ": "123456"