The Tipster

$ The Tipster 1.4.8

Добавили новые платежные методы ЮМани (РУ Карты) | Cryptomus (Крита)
Default configuration examples/descriptions:

  "Adverts": {
    "Adverts enabled": true, // enable/disable Advert messages
    "Broadcast to console": false, // to show also on console
    "Display interval (minutes)": 10, // interval between each message
    "Display order randomized": true, // true=random, false=sorted by number
    "Use PopupNotifications": false, // optional use of PopopNotifications
    "Used Popup time": 10.0 // display time for Popup's
    Commands (if being available and their chatcommands)
  "Commands": {
    "Activation": {
      "CmdAdminsList": false, // Adminlist overview
      "CmdHelp": true, // Commands overview
      "CmdPlayersCount": true, // Playercounts
      "CmdPlayersList": true, // Playerlist overview
      "CmdPluginsList": false, // Pluginslist overview
      "CmdServerRules": true // Server rules overview
    "Command": {
      "CmdAdminsList": "admins",
      "CmdHelp": "tipster",
      "CmdPlayersCount": "online",
      "CmdPlayersList": "players",
      "CmdPluginsList": "pluginlist",
      "CmdServerRules": "rules"
    Countryblocking (integrated for compatibility reasons with join/kick-messages in same time at seperate plugins)
         "CountryBlocker": {
    "Blocked country codes": [ // default blocked country codes
    "Bypass permission": "tipster.bypassblock", // permission needed for bypass
    "Enable blocker": false, // enable/disable blocking function
    "Exclude admins": true, // to exlude admins of any blocks
    "Use as whitelist": false // can change list function to include only listed countries
    Formatting (mainly self explaining)
         "Formatting": {
    "AdminsList namecolors": "#00a877",
    "Chat separator": "#acacac",
    "Command headlines": "#bfc1c2",
    "Commands descriptions": "#ff8651",
    "Commands in overview": "#efcc00",
    "Date Format": "{day}/{month}/{year}",
    "PlayersList namecolors": "#6699cc",
    "Plugins name": "#ff8651",
    "Plugins version": "#c0c0c0",
    "Prefix": "Tipster",
    "Prefix color": "#00b7eb",
    "Prefix format": "| <color={0}>{1}</color> |",
    "Show headline separators": true,
    "Textcolor default": "#bebebe",
    "Textcolor rulesview": "#ff7538",
    "Time Format": "{hour}:{minute}:{second}"
[B]    General[/B]
  "General": {
    "Broadcast to console - join/leave": true, // show join/leave also to console
    "Days how long country is valid": 7, // valid days for a located player country
    "Enable - join messages": true, // show player joins
    "Enable - leave messages": true, // show player leaves
    "Enable - welcome message": true, // display to players the welcome messages
    "Hide admins - Join": false, // hide admins at join
    "Hide admins - Leave": true, // hide admins at leave
    "Hide admins - List": true // hide admins being online
PluginList (to exclude special plugins from being listed)
  "PluginList": {
    "Hidden in overview": [
      "Unity Core",

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