Survival Arena

$ Survival Arena 1.0.25

Type: Chat
Command: survivalarena
Function: Sends the user the UI to start up the game. Loot profiles, spawn height and lobby time can be adjusted here before starting the game.
Type: Chat/Console
Command: startarena <heightMod> <lobbytime> <arenaName> <lootProfile>
Function: Spawns and starts the game using the specified heightmod and lobbytime parameters. You can simply use the command with no parameters to start it using the default settings and a random arena/lootprofile.
Type: Chat/Console
Command: endarena
Function: Ends any active games and despawns the arena.
Type: Chat
Command: spawnarena <name>
Function: Spawns the arena, but does not start the game. Useful for debugging and development.
Type: Chat
Command: setcentrepoint
Function: Sets the arena's new center point at the players location. Useful if you want to move the spawn so it has more biome variety. Be sure not to make it too high or too close to the ground.
Type: Chat
Command: survival
Function: Used to join the game when the lobby is active.
Type: Chat
Command: saremove
Function: Removes the tree, loot container, log or bush that the player is looking at. This will no longer spawn in future games.
Type: Chat
Command: addtree
Function: adds a tree spawn at the players position.

Type: Chat
Command: addbush
Function: adds a bush spawn at the players position.

Type: Chat
Command: addlog
Function: adds a log spawn at the players position.

Type: Chat
Command: addloot
Function: adds a loot spawn at the players position.
Type: Chat
Command: saleave
Function: Leaves the event
Type: Console/Chat
Command: wipeoldarena
Function: Wipes any entities that are at the same height or higher than the arena.

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