King Of The Hill Event

$ King Of The Hill Event 1.1.2

Добавили новые платежные методы ЮМани (РУ Карты) | Cryptomus (Крита)
“AutoEventEnabled” – Will the plugin start the event automatically every x seconds (X is a random number taken from between MaxAutoTimeInSeconds and MinAutoTimeInSeconds)
  “BuildingNames” – The list of the building names that should be used for the event. You can have 1 or more and a random one will be chosen each time. YOU MUST REPLACE THE CONFIG SETTING FOR THIS WITH YOUR BUILDING NAMES
  “CollisionCheckRadius” – The radius to check for collsisions when attempting to paste the base. Do not set this to 0 if AutoEventEnabled is set to true as bases may spawn in strange places and clip into rocks.
  “DestoryMapMarkerAfterXSeconds” – When the event starts a red marker is displayed on the map. Set how long this map marker should be on the map for
  “GuiAnnouncmentBGColor” – The colour to use for the GUI announcement if installed and enabled.
  “GuiAnnouncmentTextColor”:  The colour to use for the GUI announcement text colour if installed and enabled.
  “GuiEnnouncmentEnabled” – Set weather gui anouncment should be enabled or disabled. (If you dont have the plugin set this to false to increase performance)
  “MaxAutoTimeInSeconds” – The max time before a new event will start if AutoEventEnabled is set to true
  “MinAutoTimeInSeconds” The min time before a new event will start if AutoEventEnabled is set to true
  “ReplaceOverrides” The list of entities that should be replaced and what they should be replaced by.
  “maxHeightDifferenceAround” – Set the max height difference around the area the base is going to paste. Set this higher to allow more freedom but may get bases spawning in the air if the plugin is struggling to find a good spot. Set it lower if you have bases spawning in the air(recommend 3-5)

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